Monday 15 September 2014

A little about me...

My name is Ursula Bach. I work Part-time at the Epsom Campus at the University of Auckland as the Social Work Administrator for the School of Counselling Human Services and Social Work while I complete my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I am in the first year of my doctorate and am currently completing my placement at Segar House in Auckland.
My thesis is on suicide interventions and training for Mental Health Support Workers in New Zealand. My major clinical interest is in infant mental health.


  1. Hi Ursula
    I like the background of books on your blog. I also was impress with your doctorate topic of suicide interventions. I wish you the best with your study. I'm doing '23 things for research' and just going around looking at everyone's blog. Have a great week

  2. Hi Ursula, Welcome to our 23 Things for Research professional development programme. I hope that you will find the tools and 'things' that we focus on in the next eleven weeks useful and helpful for your work and studies. Cheers, Steve

  3. Kia ora Ursula,

    I also like the background of books :o) (must be because I am a Librarian ). I am following the example set by Iskudder and introducing myself to my fellow "23 Things" crew by visiting their blogs.
